
fter thirty years of exploring my passion for nature photography as a hobby, I’ve fallen in love with photographing people. Children are especially rewarding, when you can capture that fleeting moment when they experience something for the first time, or you can tell that they are in another world, all their own. And those smiles! Making a baby laugh is one of the greatest feelings in life, and being able to capture that moment to share with others is what I love about photographing children.

After attending science fiction conventions for over 20 years, I have seen the work of some amazing costumers. One evening in the hotel foyer at DragonCon in Atlanta, I realized I wanted to be able to showcase the workmanship that goes into even the simplest of hall costumes. I want to capture what is essentially ephemeral performance art in a permanent form that can be saved and shared.

Along with digital photography (I started out with film in a 126 instamatic camera!) I’ve grown up with computer graphics. My first computer was a Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer with a whopping 8k (that’s kilobytes, not megabytes!) of RAM and a cassette player to save programs on. I spent many hours when i should have been doing homework coaxing it into displaying random sized shapes on my 12″ TV screen and have been playing with paint programs ever since. I finally got Photoshop 5 in the late 90’s and have never looked back!

As a “non-standard” sized woman, I’ve always hated how I looked in pictures (one of the reasons I like to be behind the camera!). When boudoir photography chains started turning up in every mall in the 80s I thought it was great that average women could have the experience of feeling and looking sexy. The new century version of this is gaining popularity now and I love it even more: Pin-ups! They can range from sultry to sweet and every woman can look fabulous. What’s not to love!